Friday, October 19, 2018

Kanye West Stupidly misunderstands the 13th Amendment (it has no "trap door")

A few days ago, on 11 October 2018, Negro rapper multimillionaire Kanye West (@kanyewest) delivered a rant in his televised meeting with multibillionaire President Donald J. Trump.  In his rant, West demonstrated his understanding of the danger that the US Constitution's 13th Amendment to Negroes, particularly those in Chicago because of their adverse mental health.  West said this:

"There's a lot of things affecting our mental health that makes us do crazy things that puts us back into that trap door called the 13th Amendment.

"I did say "abolish" with the hat on. Because why would you keep something around that's a trap door? If you're building a floor — the Constitution is the base of our industry, right? Of our country, of our company. Would you build a trap door that if you mess up and you — accidentally something happens, you fall and you end up next to the Unabomber? You end up — you got to remove all that trap door out of the relationship.

"The four gentlemen that wrote the 13th Amendment — and I think the way the universe works, it's perfect. We don't have 13 floors, do we? You know, so the four — the four gentlemen that wrote the 13th Amendment didn't look like the people they were amending. Also at that point, it was illegal for blacks to read — or African Americans to read. And so that meant if you actually read the Amendment, you would get locked up and turned into a slave.

"Again — so what I think is, we don't need sentences; we need pardons."

In other words, to paraphrase West's rant, Negroes do crazy things that result in cops arresting them and the juries convict them and the judges sentence them, and the wardens imprison them, all because of the language of the 13th Amendment, and the courts should liberate them instead of jailing them.

Excuse me, Kanye, but you are delusional AND ignorant.  You seek to blame the Constitution for the plight of Negroes - the fact that their crazy criminal behaviour results in their doing jail/prison time.  You seem to ignore the reality that jail time separates criminal Negroes from the society that they would, if not incarcerated, continue abusing with their crazy criminal behaviour.  In reality, Negroes get arrested, convicted, sentenced, and imprisoned because they commit crimes, not because of a trap door in the 13th Amendment.

To clarify, let's look at the language of the 13th Amendment:

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Throughout all of recorded history, societies have imprisoned and/or killed the criminals in their midst. They have done this partly to punish and rehabilitate the criminals, and partly to separate the criminals from society so that the criminals cannot continue committing crimes against the law abiding public.  Yes, in prison many prisoners can and do commit crimes against fellow prisoners or prison administrators who expect such criminal behaviour from convicts.  But at least the convicts cannot continue abusing innocents who expect to live without criminal interference.

Thus the phrase "except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" does not constitute some new "trap door" by which the 13th Amendment sneaks up on and snags Negroes who crazily commit crimes.  The phrase applies to everyone, not merely Negroes.

But the crux of the matter lies in the phrase "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."  This 1865 Amendment outlawed slavery (of Negroes and others) in the US and its territories.

But the 13th Amendment left undisturbed the practice of all societies to convict and imprison criminals.  It thus excepted from the antislavery language those people convicted of crimes.  That allowed continuation of the custom and law of enslaving convicted criminals, and of making them work without compensation, both as punishment for their crime, and in recompense for their room, board, and oversight and discipline by their warders.

West made a [h]uge mistake in his
anti-13th Amendment-trap-door rant.  He failed to address the effect of low average IQ as a major reason that so many Negroes commit such a huge percentage of the crimes in America.  Low average IQ, not mental health problems, causes Negroes to make stupid choices in life and to follow them with stupid, often criminal, actions.  Myriad IQ tests for the past 100+ years have shown the average IQ of US Negroes at 84 to 85, fully 15 points lower than the average IQ for US Caucasians.

That means that half of US Negroes lack the cognitive ability to graduate from high school, a feat requiring an IQ of at least 85 (unless administrators have dumbed down the curricula and testing just to allow the dummies to graduate).

And that means that half of the US Negroes cannot compete effectively against the other half, or against 67% of US Caucasians, for the better jobs and mates, and so they gravitate to crime and welfare abuse to get by. Then their crimes get them apprehended, tried, convicted, sentenced, and imprisoned.

So the trap door is stupidity (whether Negro, Caucasian, non-white Hispanic, etc.), not the 13th Amendment's exception to the prohibition against slavery and involuntary servitude.

In other words, Kanye (yes, I write this to you), you should confess like Pogo did, "We has found the enemy, and he is us!"

And then, Kanye (yes, I mean you), you should start working with high-IQ non-Democrat Negro leaders (maybe you can find some) to devise programs to raise average Negro IQ dramatically.  Here, I'll provide you with some starter ideas that will work wonders:

  1. Suggest that (with bribes as necessary) all welfare recipients, habitual criminals, and public school dropouts (especially Negroes) undergo voluntary irreversible sterilization
  2. Establish competitions for Negroes with outstanding academic performance to meet, marry, and procreate abundantly. 
  3. Promote temporary sterilization of all girls (especially Negroes) from puberty until they get married.
  4. Promote legislation that denies welfare benefits to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation welfare applicants.
  5. Promote legislation to criminalize the infliction of a life-long debilitating disease (stupidity) on an innocent child.
Bob Hurt

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